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“He was really startled by how strongly I came”: the workshop you have to go through

Even if you think you know yourself, there is probably more to open up inside, in order to fulfill your personal and sexual potential and of course your orgasm, that can be endless. Noa Goren went through the workshop and came back stunned and a little beat.

Many things stir up our defenses, and for me those came up when I was asked to review Roni Erez’s workshop. Orgasm coaching? What do I need that for? When I know my own body so well? “It has nothing to do with it” answered Roni, “the workshop and course are for everyone. Every woman can benefit something”. Wow, was she right…

It’s hard to overestimate the value of the workshop. And I’m not writing this because I was paid, I wish I were important enough to be paid for my opinions. I’m also not a fan of the sexual training fad that has engrossed our feed like a daisy field. It’s simple: I went as a journalist, my life has changed, and I want you to go through it as well. I’ll tell you why.

In the morning of the first meeting, a Friday, I entered a large room with a red carpet, soft blankets, a drawing of a vagina. In a circle already were sitting women of all backgrounds and ages, inspecting each other with curiosity. And then Roni instructed us to choose word-cards, when each participant shared what the word raised up for her. “I’m having an affair” said one. “I’m having problems feeling attracted to my spouse”. Another testified she has an endless libido, a dependence on sex. Yet another said she’s normal and just came to learn. Most were like her. When I was up, I shrugged my shoulders: “I’m in touch with my sexuality. In my sexuality I can be free and not think, but in every other moment in life, I have too many thoughts”. I wondered if that comment was relevant and Roni looked at me approvingly.

She had an interesting life, Roni Erez. Married a second time to her husband today, Nitsan, they have 5 children who live in that house with the painting of a vagina. Together they built that workshop, called “the wave workshop”, named after the method they developed to have the maximal (!) orgasm, after they ventured to explore monogamous love. The trigger was a medical procedure Roni went through, that changed the structure of her uterus. “I had to rediscover myself”, she testifies. Her eyes always glowing, she is all beauty and confidence. Her charisma is almost aggressive, but I say it as a positive – she’s a hard, engrossing coach. That how people with a mission usually are.

What Roni and Nitsan have been discovered cannot be found online. What Roni teaches during the workshop, does not just resonate. She provides information that would have saved men and woman a lot of mess. Roni, who studied NLP, was an athlete, and is well trained with diplomas covering her wall. She managed to name the source of each woman’s personal psychological inhibitors, and help her get rid of them.

One participant shared that she grew up in a conservative home. During the discussion Roni proved that it’s the reason for her alienation from her sexuality. For me, I grew up in a liberal feminist house, it was different. Roni intuited to ask about my Exes, men I loved. She made me contemplate the choices that were made, and understand that I have to be more at peace with myself before going into the next relationship. “Isn’t it a paradox, that of all, we have a hard time making up with ourselves?” I asked and they all smiled.

That is how one of my most meaningful transformations started. It’s true, that the workshop was mostly around sexuality. Roni taught me physically where to push to maximize and double our orgasms – which fucking worked, ladies, the first time I had sex with a man during the workshop, he was actually startled by how strongly I came, and I almost threw him across the opposite wall. “Wow!!” he screamed, and I was panting, stunned, and I told him: “you know, I thought that I already learned everything about myself, who would have believed”.

Slowly, deep reservoirs were revealed within me. It even got to a point where specific pressure points could release inhibitors and internal deep pains, like a scream. A specific touch can impact the emotions of the complicated sensitive woman in an unprecedented way. The more I practiced the things Roni taught us, not only did my pleasure deepen, but also my disassociation from negative thoughts and the strong connection to my true self. I already experienced CUV orgasms (orgasms involving the entire upper complex of the organ), and I thought I had reached the peak. I was astounded to discover to the contrary, that the female orgasm has no end, and it does not matter what you have reached – you can prolong it more, more, and more.

The workshop has a spiritual orientation, but one that was thoroughly thought out in advance. Meaning, yes, she will defeat your sarcasm. It works. For example, Roni and Nitsan built a mind cleansing meditation and a muscle practice to prepare us for the experience. When we practiced this meditation during the first session, Roni instructed us to meet the little girl inside of us, and I chuckled until I actually could see her in my mind’s eye. The little me reaching out with her hand “hi”, I told her. “Ok, this is weird”, “remember that you were me? Remember you knew who you really were?” I swear that’s what the little one told me, I saw her clearly, I got up, and wanted to run from the room, and then I stonewalled the see-through glass and made everyone awaken from their meditations.

“Are you Ok?” Roni ran for some ice, to cover the bruise on my forehead. I looked into her eyes, with tears; Roni put her hand on my shoulder full of understanding. “Continue working. You will develop the courage to be yourself eventually”. I understand that this all sounds like a cliché scene from the Lion King but for me it was a profound moment. Not only did I reacquaint with my own body, but also with my soul, the real one, before I changed it so everyone would like me.

Afterwards, Roni gave us brochures (which my friends still try to steal once they realize what magical knowledge resides inside), and other surprises, and each one got a handful of cool assignments according to the work she needs to do on herself. I’m won’t share what that is so as not to give “spoiler” for those of you who will attend the workshop, but I will say that when a friend of mine saw me with earphones in the street and asked “what are you listening to?” I answered blushed “Snoop Dog” when I was actually listening to mantras that were meant (and succeeded!) to reconnect me with myself (I’m serious, it works). For two full weeks I walked with these mantras in my ears, peeling off layer after layer of fakeness. This all the while continuing to have ever increasing powerful orgasms that really made the guys I was dating worship me more or less.

The exercise made me dive beyond my own cynicism. When I arrived at the second meeting, we started to focus on the physical structure of the vagina, with tricks and shticks that will surprise even those of us that have had prolonged orgasms – like ways to prolong orgasms indefinitely. Although, you know, you should stop once in a while to go to the supermarket and other stuff.

I again discovered a new strength. To achieve it, you have to practice with a Jade egg inside your vagina. Almost every day, in total concentration and coupled with the cute mantras in the background. I wasn’t cynical and narrow minded anymore. I knew it was working, whatever Roni was doing here.
 I was walking around my roommate flat with a Jade egg within me, without (I hope) them knowing about it. Roni knows that women’s orgasms are endless, and challenges every participant to rise above where she currently is! It’s all based on the wave motion she discovered and teaches, through the body and mind. Ladies, she who attends the workshop or the online course called “the wave” and complete the practices, even if she has squirted before, will discover a new world.

From the deep connection I discovered to myself, I felt a new confidence. I broke-up with the guy I was dating (he said he will miss my orgasms, before even missing me! how charming) because I started to realize what I was looking for. I felt that I met the little me from the meditation, the one who would dare, to be in the moment. Roni invested a lot in every inch of the activities, she had thought of everything. All the women who participated testified to a profound drastic change in their lives – Both in sex, which transcended from bodily pleasures to a place with endless peaks, and in life, which became a little less of a struggle, between a women and herself.

#click here to contact Roni directly or watch the online course

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